Wednesday, December 4, 2019



Whether you are at the beginning of a new relationship with that first trepidatious date or trying to keep that old spark alive, spending quality time together is essential. All emotional bonds require active participation and work from both parties.

That’s what I’ve created for you: I’ve constructed a book with a year of dates, 52 weeks of couple designed activities and matching dinner themes. The dating guesswork has been taken out of your hands, and the romance put back into your lives. Whether you are beginning a new romantic journey or rekindling a tired relationship, this book is designed to help open the communication pathways and encourage a variety of new and exciting ways to explore each other and explore a unique sensation of love.

This book also has conveniently been broken down into seasons, so your weekly date suggestions are aligned with the time of year and can be adjusted to meet your climate and weather needs. I tried to make practical date suggestions that accommodated different activities throughout the year. For example, a sports date has been planned in the fall when both football and basketball are in season, and fairs and festivals were proposed in the late winter at the beginning of February when they are at their height of the season.

I took great care in planning specific weeks and hope you find great entertainment with our recommendations. Specific places throughout the US are provided, but you should also check with your tourism bureau and the internet for even further suggestions to support our examples. Dating just became one step easier, no more excuses. The time has come for you to be happy and allow yourself to love and be loved again.take a chance again.

How to Use the Book
While you may start dating at any time, the week’s I’ve calculated (especially at the beginning) do pinpoint specific date numbers and begin in the first week of Spring. It is highly suggested, but not mandatory that you follow along each date with each corresponding calendar week whenever possible. When not possible, attempt to follow the times in the season accordingly as some activities rely on previous dates occurring.

Reading through the date entirely in preparation is also strongly suggested to avoid unwanted surprises.

At the back of the book, I’ve included an index of the questions offered throughout the book should you decide to keep a written log of your responses for one of the included activities.  

The entire purpose is for couples, new and old, to make the connection that lasting relationships have strong foundations built upon, but most importantly, have fun in the process.

I would love to hear from the readers. Send emails to;

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